Cinemachine camera follow

Hal Brooks
Oct 21, 2021


Objective: Use Cinemachine to follow the player through the dungeon.

Camera follows the player using Cinemachine.

Open the package manager from Unity window menu and search for Cinemachine. Install the latest version of Cinemachine, which will add a new menu in Unity.

Use this menu to add a new virtual camera called CM_Follow_Cam as a child of Player, see below.

Select CM_Follow_Cam and adjust the position to X 0, Y 0, Z -10. Drag the Player into the follow slot of the CinemachineVirtualCamera component.

CM_Follow_Cam virtual camera setup.

The CinemachineBrain component was automatically added to main camera. The new CM_Follow_Cam was assigned as the live camera.

The Main Camera is now the CinemachineBrain.



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