More than a Plane: Environment

Hal Brooks
3 min readDec 16, 2021


Objective: Create a city terrain environment for zombie shooter game.

Beginnings of a city using terrain and prefabs.

Delete the Floor, which was a simple plane, and add Terrain. The default size is 1000 x 1000 meters, which is larger than wanted. Adjust its size to accommodate a couple of small city blocks, start with 150 x 150 meters. Select the gear icon just under the Terrain component name, then adjust the height and width to 150.

Settings for Terrain component.

Initially there is no terrain layer. Select the paint terrain, which looks like a brush, and from the drop down menu choose paint texture. Click edit terrain layer and create layer. Drag a texture into the layer, here Grass_01 from GameDevHQ Filebase. Put the Grass1_diffuseOriginal in the Diffuse slot, Grass1_normal in the Normal Map slot and the Grass1_Metallic_Smooth into the Mask Map, as shown. This will fill the terrain with grass, since it is the first layer. Move Man_08_Unity to X 75, Y 0.27, Z 75 to position him in the center of the Terrain. Rename him to Player, and tag him as Player.

Terrain layer on terrain.

Create a new empty game object named Roads to organize roadways within the hierarchy window. Import Road_05_Straight and Road_05_Quad_Intersection from Filebase into the project. Drag each prefab into the scene as a child of Roads and position as desired. Use ctrl-D to create new copies as needed. Layout a road grid. This layout has city blocks that are 55 x 105 meters. A bit small but game scale is often compressed compared to reality. To avoid the player having his feet buried in concrete, select all roads and add component > mesh collider.

Layout the street grid for your city.

Now add buildings, by downloading and installing Building2 from Filebase. Once again create an empty game object, naming it building to organize the hierarchy. Drag the Building2 prefab into the scene as a child of Buildings. This building must be adjusted to be in scale with the Player. Use a doorway as a measure. Set the Building2 scale to X 3, Y 3, Z 3. Position the buildings within the scene, creating copies as needed. Remember that multiple items can be copied and moved at once, so that blocks can be added with a few clicks. Selecting all buildings and add component > mesh collider. Otherwise the Player can walk through walls.

The city begins to take form.

Is the scale too small? Increase the Terrain size and duplicate blocks. As the city grows larger organization will become critical. The individual buildings can be changed later the goal is to get a terrain prototype. Customization and detail are added later as production approaches. At this stage of development all basic game mechanics will be added and need to be working smoothly.



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