Pink Peril: URP assets in 3D Unity

Hal Brooks
2 min readSep 15, 2021

Objective: Convert Unity 3D project to Universal Render Pipeline (URP).

All my downloaded assets from GameDevHQ Filebase for my new project are all pink! While pink is a wonderful color, most players want a rainbow of colors in their game. Pink game objects occur when a 3D project tries to render URP assets, as shown below.

URP assets rendered in Unity 3D project.

To upgrade the project to URP open Window > Package Manager. Select Packages: Unity Registry and search for Universal. Install the latest Universal RP or URP package.

Create a Settings folder inside the Assets folder in the project window. Create a URP pipeline asset within this folder as shown below.

Open the Project Settings from the Unity Edit menu and select Graphics. Assign the newly created URP Pipeline Asset to the Scriptable Render Pipline Settings field at the top, see below.

Close the project window and the game objects should be colored as intended by the artist.

URP rendered assets.

If game objects are still pink then go to Unity Edit menu Render Pipeline > URP >Upgrade Project Materials to URP Materials. The URP assets should now appears as shown above.

