Tractor beam the powerups
Objective: Allow the player to press C to activate a tractor beam to drag powerups to the player.
The life of galactic pilots is difficult with a multitude of enemies try to destroy them. To make life easier, command has provided a tractor beam on the ship to pull powerups to the player to allow resupply the ship. To do add this beahvior to the game, modify the Powerup script to allow movement to the Player as shown below. Two new variables are require the GameObject _player and the a bool _moveToPlayer to track when the tractor beam has been activated. A 2D direction toward the target is calculated and normalized. This vector is used to move the powerup to the player if the player has pressed the C key, denoted by _moveToPlayer being true.
The _player game object is assigned using the MoveTowardPlayer() function, which is public, so that the Player script can access this function. This function also sets _moveToPlayer to true, activating the tractor beam.
Within the Player script, the PullPowerupsToPlayer() function grabs an array of all Powerup tagged game objects, and calls the MoveTowardPlayer() function on each powerup. This function passes the Player gameObject to the Powerup script to activate the tractor beam.
The PullPowerupsToPlayer() function is called when the player presses the C key, as shown in the code excerpt from void Update.
The player must take care when they choose to activate the tractor beam, because it make it more likely that some enemies will try to destroy the powerup.