Unity 2D: Creating Tile Map Pallets

Hal Brooks
2 min readOct 13, 2021


Objective: Create a vegetation tile pallet in Unity 2D

For this article create a Unity 2020.3.20f1 2D project. Import the 2D Mobile Adventure assets from GameDevHQ Filebase. Create a Sprites folder in the project Assets folder. To the Sprites folder create a Tilemap folder and two new subfolders, Palettes and Tiles. Now create a new Vegetation palette as shown below, saving it in the new Palettes folder. Organization in games is important as the project will blossom over time.

Add a new palette, Vegetation

Now select the Vegetation sprite, make sure it its Texture Type is sprite (2D and UI) and Sprite Mode is multiple. For this asset make sure the pixels per unit is 256.

Select the sprite editor and select pixel size to be 256 x 256, slice and apply, as shown below. Make sure the type is grid by cell size.

Sprite editor for vegetation.

Drag the Vegetation from the project window into the Tile palette and save the tiles in the Assets > Sprites > Tilemap > Tiles folder creating a new folder called Vegetation to save these new tiles.

Vegetation tile palette with a tall grass tile highlighted in white.

With the paint brush selected highlight tall grass and add it to the scene. Add other vegetation as desired.

Vegetation is added to the scene.



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