Unity Reflections

Hal Brooks
2 min readAug 8, 2021


Objective: Setup reflections in Unity using standard render pipeline.

The painting on the wall is reflected on the marble floor.

Create reflection probe(1) under light. Reflection probes are points are UV cube reflection textures calculated when the scene is baked. Only static objects are included during baking, but a non-static object, such as the player, can use the information from reflection probes. Below we can see the reflection probe(1) settings in the inspector, noting that the preview of the reflection probe(1) shows the current reflections.

Reflection probe.

The boundaries of reflection probe(1), see below, need to be adjusted carefully otherwise the reflections don’t line up with the objects. To edit the boundaries click on the edit boundary icon, which looks like three squares connected by two lines at the top of the Reflection probe component. Each cube face can be adjusted by clicking on the small square in the middle of the face and dragging. Adjust boundaries until the reflections line up with their objects.

Boundaries for the reflection probe.

As of Unity 2020, screen space reflections provide higher quality reflections, but only work when using HDRP. This article uses assets from The Great Fleece from GameDevJon on the Unity asset store. Converting The Great Fleece assets to HDRP is beyond the scope of this article.



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